New build developers
Have you been thinking about the best form of heating for your development, but would like to minimise the upfront cost?
Our offer
To meet the needs of your development, Kensa Utilities can fund, own, and operate the shared ground array infrastructure. This includes boreholes, pipes, manifolds, and all equipment up to the outer wall of the dwelling, leaving you to only fund the heat pump unit.
This emulates exactly the arrangements today with gas, except for a better, safer and green heating source.
By paying for just the in-home unit, you’ll be paying the same if not less than what you would for an air-source heat pump. The running costs will be lower too than for an air-source heat pump, even after paying the standing charge. This is therefore win-win for the developer and the end-customer.
A recent WWF study also cited an up to £8,000 uplift in a home’s equity value when a heat pump is installed, so the cost of the heat pump in some instances may pay for itself.
How it works
- O&M The ground array infrastructure will be maintained by Kensa Utilities
- Consumer protection: The standing charge increases only with inflation (CPI) up to a 5% cap, with no other ways for Kensa Utilities to alter the price. This offers significant consumer protection, especially in a time when other forms of heat networks can alter the price without regulation.
- Standing charge: Typically, a few £100 per year, and charged over a minimum of 40 years (so that we can minimise the standing charge to consumers). Collected by a Kensa Utilities SPV, ideally from a management company or added onto existing estate charges but can also be collected from each dwelling.
- Standard legal documentation: If you’d like to proceed with a Kensa Utilities funding offer included in a Kensa quote you have received, we require written confirmation to obtain the funding offer, and we will prepare standard legal documentation, detailing the infrastructure Kensa Utilities will own & maintain, the minimum service levels it will provide, obligations when moving house etc.
Frequently asked questions
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General | Standing Charge | Service and Response | Moving and Disconnecting | Legal Documents | Newbuild specifics | Social landlord specifics