Community Event, Postponed.

A Message from Kensa Utilities – Heat the Streets:

Throughout the pandemic the Kensa Group has taken a cautious approach to risk to both employees and the general public.

Following discussions amongst the group we have taken the difficult decision to postpone this weekend’s planned event.

The main concerns amongst the team were:

  • The inability to allow for social distancing in the community centre given the numbers signed up to the event
  • Unknown consequences/severity of the new Omicron variant

We want to stress that the postponing this event does not affect delivery of the project in any way and we will begin works in spring 2022.

The event will now be held in the new year when we hope there will be a greater understanding of this new variant and clearer government guidance.

We have booked in three sessions with reduced capacity to allow for social distancing.

If you wish to book on to this event you can do so via the following links:

  • 25 Jan 1000 – 1200 Bookings closed
  • 25 Jan 1300 – 1500 Bookings closed
  • 29 Jan 1000 – 1200 Bookings closed

We are also exploring the feasibility of an online event hosted through Zoom and will update you if we proceed with this.

In the meantime, if you would like to ask any questions, you can get in touch with the team by emailing [email protected]

We apologise for any disappointment this decision causes but hope that you will be understanding of our reluctance to put the health of the community at risk especially with Christmas fast approaching.

Project Update September 2021.

We are delighted that 183 Stithians residents have now registered their interest in taking part in the project. We have concluded an initial geological study which shows that the ground beneath Stithians has high thermal conductivity making it ideal for a ground source heat network.

The study provides information about the best routes through the village that would allow us to heat every house. We are now working on narrowing this down to the most economical route to heat homes in the village.

Heat Network Connection

Mimicking a traditional gas framework, our innovative Shared Ground Loop Arrays (SGLA) link a series of boreholes to multiple properties via an ambient temperature distribution system.

Properties included in this project are subject to an annual connection fee for use of the SGLA. You can learn more about the costs related to the connection charge and view the terms of the agreement on our website.

Heat the Streets connection charge is like long-standing “split ownership” arrangements within the gas sector, with the underground infrastructure owned and maintained separately from the Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) installed inside the properties.

On the Road

The Heat the Streets team will be attending the Planet A Decarbonisation Roadshow on 12 October and the Chacewater Energy Day 20 Nov.

Once we’ve mapped out our Heat Network, we will be inviting those whose properties are along the route to information events, where we will be able to discuss the next stages of the project with them and answer any questions that they have.

Project Update – July 2021

We currently have 165 Stithians residents who have registered interest in taking part. We are very pleased with this positive response. We would like to thank the Stithians Energy Group and the Stithians Parish Council for their help in getting this far.

What happens next?
We are currently working on a feasibility study for the heat network route. All the properties that have registered as being interested in connecting have been included in our data mapping which will feed into the feasibility study. Information provided about the type of property applicants live in, as well as the type of heating the property currently has is helping us to plan the best way to deliver Heat the Streets.

One of the major considerations in our feasibility study is minimising disruption during delivery. This will be of particular concern to households that can’t, or don’t want to receive ground source heating, as well as local businesses that could be affected. Rest assured that we will do our best to avoid disrupting traffic through the village and any vital work will be carried out considerately and with plenty of notice to anyone that could be affected.